I am rapidly becoming a fan of Drew Hayes and his books. His writing style is unique, very fast-paced, descriptive without boring the reader with too many unnecessary details, and his storylines are fresh and original.

This is not your typical vampire story, which makes it utterly absorbing. The main character, Fred, is not powerful, glamorous, wealthy, witty, or any of those other things most vampires are portrayed to be in other stories of this type, but maybe this is what makes him instantly lovable and engaging.
Drew Hayes has a fantastic amalgam of characters, each so different in their fun and unique way. There are no sexy vampires and no silly teenage girls and no vampire-werewolf- girl threesome with a crazy amount of drama, tears, and of course, more drama and cheesy teen romance.
Instead, he created parahumans with unusual problems that need Fred. Even though he wasn’t looking to be anyone’s hero, the circumstances force him to become one, to solve them in his own smart and honorable way.
I had an incredibly good time reading and reviewing this book.
Please, don’t let the title fool you! This is anything but uninteresting.