In order to ensure your online success, the design of your website is very important. No matter what you want to accomplish, site design can help your business because you will differ from your competitors and will make you look like a pro.
A study shows that users need about two seconds to decide whether or not they like a website. This means that even if you have the best content in the world, users won’t read the articles if your design doesn’t catch their eyes.

There are a few rules you should follow if you want your site to look professional. Following these rules together with putting your personal imprint should combine perfectly with what you want to transmit your visitors.
Thus, following these steps, you’ll be on track to create a professional and attractive website.


In general, users don’t have the time or patience to look for what they want. If your website has a complicated design is very likely to leave faster than you would think. Readers don’t like to be bombarded with a lot of buttons such as distribution, follow me, read this … so it is important to have a simple site with clear objectives.


What does this mean? In web design, this involves using the same language and use the same graphical interface elements on each page. This will help create harmony. Specifically, you need to use the same sizes and styles for text and titles on the site. Also, it means and using the same color palette.
Being constant with your design is therefore very important to a site and if somehow that doesn’t happen eventually your visitors will become confused and have trouble finding what they want.


One thing is clear, the colors inspire emotions. For example, red inspires passion, blue inspires calm, and so on. So before you choose a color scheme for a site you’d better decide what emotion you want to communicate, how do you want your visitors to feel and what colors represent your brand best.
I believe it’s better to use more than three colors. First of all, you need to choose a primary color that you use the most and will be associated with your brand. You will then need to choose a secondary color that is darker and which to use for titles and text. And finally, choose an accent color that you want and use the elements that you want to highlight.


To understand how to choose a font, I list some features of professional text found on a website:
– general font size must be different from the size titles. It’s important that the font size used to establish a hierarchy and highlight the important things for your visitors.
– to make the hierarchy clearer you can use different colors for text and titles;
– the style font for text and titles normally is different. Make sure that even if they are different, they fit;
– font used should be easy to read and also be in contrast with the background. Also, check if the font is easy to read even though it has a smaller size. Thus you will make sure everything will be fine and when accessing the site from mobile devices.


Many people access a site on their mobile and the number is in constant increase. Therefore, it’s important to make sure your site can be accessed without any problem. It’s best to use a responsive theme, which will automatically adjust site content to the device’s screen that is accessed.


Using images in a proper way can be the best way to make sure that the first impression will be amazing and that your site will remain in the minds of visitors. The pictures are also a way to immediately attract the attention of visitors, inspiring them with different emotions.


Using an SSL certificate will add more professionalism to your site, for the most part, due to the visual experience of the user will see a small padlock search bar that will send it safely on site. Also, sites that use SSL certificates are safer for users, protecting data exchange. Usually, this certificate is used when seeking online store data from bank customers, but anyone can use it and is indicated to provide additional loneliness. SSL Certificate helps your ranking in the search engine and it is highly important media indexing algorithms that Google has them. Therefore, you have no reason not to use it.


It is preferable to use a custom domain name. An area such as is recommended only to the extent that your planning to build a small blog or create a site that won’t have a large audience. Also, it can help both in terms of SEO strategies and in terms of the trust, that it provides your potential users or customers.

I hope this article gives you some pointers on how to take your website to the next level.