Pinterest is a powerful tool when it comes to social media these days, either you will be just pinning for your own future reference, or as an alternative, when you are using Pinterest as a promotional tool to support your blog or business.

For me, Pinterest is not only a hobby and addiction but also I’ve learned that can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to my blog.

Tips to Make the Most Out of Pinterest for the Benefit of Your Business

In order to succeed there are a few things that we need to keep in mind when we’re using this amazing opportunity for promoting your content.

As with any social network, Pinterest is a big time eater. You need to spend time on it daily in order to be able to follow what others are pinning, to comment on it, and so on. You can’t expect miracles from Pinterest if you are not active on it on a daily basis.

Pinterest is all about visual appeal. This is why you can’t use images taken with your Nokia 3310. You need images with professional quality because otherwise, you will be doing your brand more harm than good. But don’t panic because this doesn’t certainly mean you need to hire a professional photographer. If you have the right equipment and some skills you can create the images on your own.

If you had achieved to make your followers interested, they tend to visit your board every now and then and see some updates. One trick to keep your followers interested is to post in series. In other words, if you have let’s say 5 images you want to post, don’t post them all at once but post them one or maximum two a day in the course of the next days.

If you want to get repins, you need to make it easier for users to do it. Of course, the simplest way of doing it is by adding a Pin-It button to your site. There are a few plugins and widgets for WordPress and if you are using another platform I’m sure you can find with a simple search, pick one of them, put it in a visible place on your site and start counting your pins and repins.

Keep in mind that people are not only coming to your board to see your products, so post other interesting pictures that will attract users. This way chances are they will visit your profile and have a look at your products there. If you post only images of your blog post or freebies just to name some examples, you won’t be able to attract random visitors that much.

We have talked so far of creating amazing photos that will help you lure more visitors but don’t overlook the importance of a good description also. Additionally, a good description will help your images rank better with search engines, which means more traffic for you. Be concise and precise in your descriptions and your users will certainly appreciate it.

Don’t overdo when it comes to hashtags. Using them gives a more organized feel and look and they will be easier to find but if you exaggerate your pins will look spammy and users will skip them.

When you pick whom to follow, consider not only if their pins are interesting but also if they have a large group of followers. When you follow such users, and of course if they decide to follow you back, their huge base of followers is an indisputable advantage when they decide to repin something you have posted.

Like any social network, interaction with other users is one of the secrets on Pinterest. Because of this, it makes it obvious to like and comment on other people’s pins. This gives you more visibility, not to mention that in return you can get some repins, likes, and comments from other users. Nevertheless, you do need to repin, comment, or like every single pin, you see on your screen because this makes your contribution less valuable.

Pinterest is not only about images, but there is also a video section as well. Don’t mistake Pinterest with Youtube but if you can create a cool video about your business, don’t be shy to post it. Also, in addition to images, you can post various charts and infographics, two things that are very popular among users.

Pinterest is an interesting and addictive place. Of course, its main advantage for you is the publicity you get. You might not be able to make a sale on Pinterest if you a have shop for example but the exposure and the traffic to your site are helpful essentials for making more sales in the future and your brand worth mentioning.

So don’t hesitate to promote your business on Pinterest and have fun while you do it, there are tons of great boards and beautiful pins.